Find a 12-Step Group

Recovery Takes a Village—Find Your Tribe in a 12-Step Group

One of the most important first lessons you need to learn to recover is that you are not alone. 

Whether or not you choose to enter therapy for compulsive sexual behavior, we encourage you to attend at least one meeting of a sex addiction related 12-step group each week. The support people find in these groups is crucial to recovery.


12-Step Groups Offer:

  • a community of other individuals who are recovering from sex addiction who understand your struggles

  • social support, encouragement, and belonging

  • a plan, structure, and routine to maintain sexual sobriety

  • accountability through a sponsor

  • a chance to help others

12-Step Fellowship

Several different 12-Step Fellowships exist. If one organization does not have a group that meets locally, investigate another. Some Fellowships offer phone-based or virtual meetings for individuals who do not live near in-person groups. Pro Tip: If you are looking for gender-based groups, they are called “closed groups” and should be listed as male or female only.

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